I believe getting together around the supper table is important for all families. Let me help you get there faster with my quick and easy, family-friendly recipes.
Wendy O'Neal » Page 40
Wendy O’Neal is the creator of the popular food, homemaking, and travel blog Around My Family Table and the author of Smoke It Like a Pit Master with Your Electric Smoker, Smoke It Like a Texas Pit Master with Your Electric Smoker, and Live Fire BBQ & Beyond. Her passion for sharing recipes and tips to help families gather around the supper table inspired her to begin the site in 2009. Wendy’s award-winning recipes have been featured on numerous online sites, including the Huffington Post, BuzzFeed, FoxNews.com, MSN.com, Today.com, eHow, Epicurious, and many more. Wendy has also competed at the World Food Championships in the Food Blogger Division.
Advertising, media and other inquiries- please contact Wendy at aroundmyfamilytable@gmail.com