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I just love Easter! I love celebrating the true meaning of Easter as well as the fun side. I plan on sharing a lot of Easter goodies with y’all in the next few weeks…unfortunately for my waistline, I think they are all sweet treats. Some are fun and some are more for the religious aspects of Easter.
This cake is more of an idea than a true recipe. However, I will share a couple of tips with you since you aren’t getting a true recipe.
Easter Basket Cake
1 baked cake, torted or baked in two pans
buttercream frosting
green food coloring
brown food coloring
various colorful egg-shaped candies
While cake is cooling, color half of the frosting green and the other half brown. If you are using store bought buttercream, then you will probably need to add some powdered sugar to thicken up the green. The green frosting needs to be a medium-stiff consistency to help the grass stand up. The brown should be fine for outside of the basket.
Once cake is cooled and torted, fill with buttercream (or another filling of choice). Frost the entire cake brown. If you’d like to attempt the basket weave, use tip 47 in a disposable pastry bag (You don’t have to use a coupler, just drop the tip in the bag and cut a small opening for it to fit part of the way through. Couplers are really only needed it you will be changing out your tips a lot), otherwise you can use the tines on a fork for a squiggly look, the back of the spoon to make an intentional swirl pattern…it doesn’t have to be perfect!
Use tip 233 to make the grass on the top of the cake. As you squeeze the frosting out the bag, pull up quickly and hopefully you will get what looks like grass. It’s very forgiving, so keep trying and you will get the hang of it. Add a bunch of candy eggs and you have a cute, edible Easter Basket cake.
Beautiful cake! Are you serving this on Easter?
This cake is very cute! You have some great decorating skills, that basketweave looks diffucult. The basket and grass look so real.
Love it!
This looks great!!!!
That is super darn cute!! I wouldn’t want to eat it!!
Wow, that is gorgeous!