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If you’re struggling in the kitchen, then check out these 6 simple tips for finding success in your kitchen.
So you’ve already learned How to Menu Plan in an Hour a Month, but the biggest challenge is just finding a place to cook. Whether you have a big kitchen or a small kitchen, it needs to be clean and welcoming for you to want to get in there and prepare a meal for your family.

The Foundations for Success in YOUR Kitchen!
I’ve learned over the years that I just can’t cook when my kitchen isn’t clean or uncluttered. Step inside your kitchen, right now. Yes, really! What do you see? Knick knacks, school papers, mail, groceries, dirty dishes, dishes drying on the counter, crumbs, garbage, canisters of food, small appliances…whatever you see, does it make you happy to go into your kitchen? Do you feel overwhelmed or stressed just thinking about needing to cook a meal? It’s okay…we are going to go through this together…no matter what the state of your kitchen is. Take a quick “before” picture of your kitchen and space. You’ll be glad you did (then snap a picture once you’ve completed all these steps).
First things first, learn to clean your sink nightly. Yes nightly! I started doing this when I was newlywed and it makes all the difference. We are talking baby steps here, no matter what else is going on in your kitchen just focus on making sure your kitchen sink is empty and wiped clean every night. Yes, every night before bed. I promise it won’t take long to do this simple step.

Declutter Your Kitchen Counters
Now that you have your sink under control, take everything off the counters that doesn’t belong in the kitchen, put away all the clean dishes and towels, put away all food, throw out all the garbage, and wipe down the counters. Whew! Didn’t that feel good!
What else do you have left on the counter? Does it really need to be there? Is it serving your family? Do you keep your blender on the counter and only use it once or twice a week? What about your toaster oven? Mixer? Get everything off the counter that you don’t use every day and if you do use your blender every day, could you find a convenient place to store it? I bet you could find a place that will take you less than 30 seconds to get it out to use.
For me, I use our toaster every morning, but it’s stored away in a cabinet. Why? I’d rather take the 10 seconds every single day to get it out than to see it on my counter collecting dust, making mental clutter, and taking up precious counter space.
Cleaning up your kitchen space will free your mind and relieve stress. Spread these steps out over the next few days or take a week. It honestly depends on the state of your kitchen. Don’t worry about your cabinets or the food or anything else. Just focus on keeping on top of the kitchen mess and clutter.
- Keep your sink clean. No matter what else is going on…go to bed with a clean sink.
- Put away all the food. This is a simple step and everyone in the family can help.
- Clear out the garbage.
- Take everything out of the kitchen that doesn’t belong. Keys, mail, school papers, chargers…get it out of the kitchen. Kitchens are for cooking!
- Put away clean dishes and wash the dirty ones (even if that means running the dishwasher 5 times today).
- Clear the counter clutter. Pick up each item (literally pick it up) and decide if it really deserves a space on your counter. Then scrub the counters and put back only what’s necessary.
You’ve got this! I’m rooting for you.
Next, I’ll share my tips for keeping inventory of what you have in your kitchen, so that you can prepare meals with no fuss. If you really can’t wait, check out my Monthly Menu Planner here…it has lots of sheets for inventory tracking.

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